If you’re an advisor using a legacy TAMP to run your business, you’ve probably thought this to yourself several times a day:I’m fine. It’s fine. Everything’s fine.But it’s far more likely that everything is not fine, and trying to convince yourself otherwise is only going to delay the...

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TAMPs get a bad rap.They’re viewed as rigid and inflexible, forcing advisors to adjust their businesses to accommodate the TAMP platform instead of offering the flexibility and control to construct portfolios based on their own investment expertise and research.They’re built on cumbersome, outdated...

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What Clients Want

If you want to create and sustain a great experience for your clients, you first need to understand what they want and expect from you. In a recent and fairly exhaustive study on what clients expect from their investment advisors, Jeremiah Desmarais, one of the leading voices for...

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Whether you are considering using a Turnkey Asset Management Platform (TAMP) or are currently using a TAMP’s services, it is worth highlighting three essential areas of your practice where the right partner can ease a lot of your stress and anxiety.

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We often hear from clients that one of the allures of becoming an independent investment advisor is the freedom to build your business the way you want to, without fighting through the bureaucracy one would encounter with a broker-dealer.

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John was a 50-year-old advisor who had been at 3 different wirehouses over his 25-year career in financial services. Before becoming a financial advisor, John had been an institutional trader for 10 years. John was managing about $100m in AUM with 80% in fee-based accounts and 20% in traditional...

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Breaking away from a broker-dealer is never an easy decision, but the momentum towards independence is accelerating, as more advisors than ever consider the move. There is nothing quite as rewarding as building and owning your own truly independent practice.

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Why did you become an independent advisor? There are likely several reasons, including a deep desire to help people fulfill their dreams of building a secure and prosperous financial future. The notion of service and personal commitment runs deep in your veins. You get to know your clients like...

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Many advisors recognize the value of partnering with a TAMP to provide clients with superior investment management services. But what you may not fully realize is how a TAMP's back office services can ease the daily burden of managing your practice and free you up to spend more time with clients...

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Count yourself in the select group of investment advisor representatives whose RIAs are growing. Well done. However, your success comes with challenges, and one you are likely facing is how to scale your business by adding new staff.

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Investment Advisors choose to practice their crafts under the RIA structure for a wide variety of reasons. Whether it's the desire to support clients as a true fiduciary, the ability to provide superior service, or simply the dream of operating as an entrepreneur, the motivations are compelling.

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In retrospect, it’s amazing how far the independent investment advisory business has advanced over the past three decades and there is no doubt that technology has played a key role in that progress. In fact, the benefit to independent advisors from the last 30 years of technological advancement...

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Growing your firm doesn’t happen by accident. The most successful RIAs will tell you that it requires a concerted effort, through both prospecting and marketing. But not everyone realizes that these are two distinctly different functions with unique tactics.

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$500 million AUM is a notable achievement for an RIA firm, and they had every right to celebrate when they hit that milestone in late 2021. John and Jennifer, both advisors who formerly worked for an independent broker-dealer, started their RIA only two years earlier. The growth they had...

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What’s in a brand? Might seem simple at first. But, your brand itself speaks volumes about YOU, and yet, when was the last time you thought about your company’s name, your logo, or even your overall identity?

At its core, a brand is defined as an identifying symbol, mark, logo, name, word, or...

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The executive leadership team at this Corporate RIA knew they had a problem. More like several problems. Since launching its RIA as a single small office in 2012, the firm had enjoyed a remarkable run of success and now boasted a lofty $1 billion in AUM, multiple offices throughout the Midwest,...

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Despite the upheaval of the past year, many RIA firms have continued enjoying organic growth. Now, perhaps more than ever, clients are looking for professionals they can trust to help them make sense of – and adapt to – the continually shifting landscape.

Adapting your mindset and incorporating...

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Elizabeth wondered if she expected too much. After all, she knew other Advisors who experienced challenges with their turnkey asset management platforms (TAMPs). But most of her peers seemed to accept the everyday annoyances. Elizabeth could not. Her frustration had reached a tipping point, and for...

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Advisors know meeting the expectations of clients quickly, efficiently, and consistently might make the difference between retaining a customer or losing one. Partnering with a tech-forward solution like a TAMP can help you maintain a competitive edge and therefore grow your AUM faster and boost...

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The cost of a Turnkey Asset Management Platform (TAMP) can be a major differentiator because fee structures are unique from TAMP to TAMP. It’s important that a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) dives deep into the fee arrangement in terms of both asset management expenses and technology fees to...

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