As a Registered Investment Adviser (RIA), you expect to receive superior customer service from your vendors and partners. You recognize the value of quick response times, tailored solutions, and a friendly voice on the other side of the phone. These interactions as a customer undoubtedly inform the...

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In a world where industry changes are measured in months rather than years, keeping pace with industry trends is a must for growing Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs). Not only will you need to offer a broad spectrum of investment choices and leverage a cutting-edge operating platform, but your...

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As a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA), much of your clients' satisfaction will hinge on the array of investment choices you can offer to clients. The more ammunition an advisor has to meet client needs and fulfill investment objectives, the greater the chance that you will enhance engagement...

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In many industries, the term “scalable” is used fairly often, and it’s worth a look to see how that concept applies to Turnkey Asset Management Platforms (TAMPs). Understanding scalability can help an RIA determine which platform their firm should leverage to manage assets and operations on a...

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For every Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) in the industry, fees and expenses are undoubtedly a huge concern. The more attractively a fee structure is designed, the more likely it is that an RIA will garner interest from value-conscious investors hoping to optimize returns.

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A Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) looking to grow a book of business wants to spend most of the day building relationships and accumulating assets. While administrative functions are an integral piece of the operational puzzle, less time spent tending to workflows or troubleshooting technical...

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Turnkey Asset Management Programs (TAMPs), in some form, have been around for decades.1 But many have grown to become take-it-or-leave-it monoliths. You may purchase an entire suite of software modules yet end up using only a few of them. Today’s financial professionals should expect more: a move...

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Technology never sleeps. Client expectations never diminish. And as 2020 has shown us all, nothing is a given or remains the same.

While guiding clients through these extraordinary times, financial advisors who depend on a Turnkey Asset Management Platform (TAMP) may ask, is my platform keeping...

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Q&A with Chris Daly, SVP, Chief Digital Officer of GeoWealth

As Chief Digital Officer, Chris oversees all aspects of GeoWealth’s visual and user experience in addition to leading the digital product management team.

Chris’ career has spanned over 20 years, covering UX, product design, strategy and...

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