There are many ways an investor can end up holding a large, concentrated stock position. There are also many reasons why an investor may be reluctant to diversify away from that position. But holding a large, concentrated stock position comes with significant risks.
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Behavior determines success. You can be invested in a portfolio that is perfectly designed to help you achieve your specific goals, but if you don’t stay invested, your chances of reaching your goals will be diminished.

Investors usually abandon their portfolios because they were not properly...

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There are many ways an investor can end up holding a large, concentrated stock position. There are also many reasons why an investor may be reluctant to diversify away from that position. But holding a large, concentrated stock position comes with significant risks.

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ETFs are professionally managed, diversified portfolios of stocks, bonds, or other assets that are traded on an exchange. 
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Inflation is a measure of how much prices for goods and services are rising in an economy. Inflation can be caused by a number of factors.

Demand-pull inflation occurs when there is more demand for goods or services than the current supply can meet. This allows companies to raise prices in the face...

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Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities, or TIPS, are a type of bond issued by the US Treasury. They are backed by the full faith and credit of the US government and were first issued in 1997.

TIPS are issued with maturities of 5, 10, and 30-years and in multiples of $100. They can be purchased...

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Both the SEC and FINRA require performance-based advertising and sales literature to include the statement: “past performance does not guarantee future results.”

Is that good advice?

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Since most of the hard work that goes into managing our portfolios is not apparent to an outside observer, some prospective clients ask, “Why don’t I just manage my own portfolio?”

There's more to it than meets the eye.

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Should Gold Be a Part of Your Portfolio?

Gold is beautiful to look at and has a rich history, but does it belong in your investment portfolio? The information below will help you answer that question.

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We sit down with our friends at Sowell Management for this edition of Mastering the CEO Mindset — GeoWealth’s content series helping advisors-turned-RIA-firm-owners explore leadership, operational, and client relationship considerations — we present a topic important for anyone running a business:...

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As a tech company, we're obviously big fans of creative and innovative tech-based solutions to inefficiency or miscommunication. We've built this list of technologies that we use, know, and love – and how we recommend RIAs leverage these tools at their firms. Some of these are oldies but goodies,...

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Unified Managed Accounts offer a host of benefits to investment advisors and their end-clients. How can a Turnkey Asset Management Platform (TAMP) deepen the positive impact of UMAs on performance reporting, billing, and execution?

They may have been around since the 1990s, but Unified Managed...

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For most RIAs, the advisor piece of running a financial advisory firm comes easily. Building strong client relationships, guiding progress toward goals, managing portfolios – all of these skills fall squarely in an advisor’s wheelhouse.

But what about running the business? Those executive...

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Welcome to the “Just For Fun” installment of our curated podcast recommendations for financial advisors, or anyone for that matter. The other installments feature podcasts for those seeking to elevate their practice and draw ideas from others working in the industry or commentating on the industry....

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Welcome to the “Industry Insiders” installment of our curated podcast recommendations for financial advisors seeking to elevate their practice and draw ideas from others working in the industry or commentating on the industry. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your advisor...

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Welcome to the “Fearless Female Hosts” installment of our curated podcast recommendations for financial advisors seeking to elevate their practice and draw ideas from others working in the industry or commentating on the industry. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your advisor...

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Welcome to the “New, Now & Noteworthy” installment of our curated podcast recommendations for financial advisors seeking to elevate their practice and draw ideas from others working in the industry or commentating on the industry. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your advisor...

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Higher Valuations Are Possible By Adjusting Your Approach To Common Factors Such As Growth, Scalability, Tech, Repeatability And Younger Clients

by Brendan Falls, SVP Strategic Growth at GeoWealth

This article was originally published on Wealth Solutions Report.

Despite today’s macroeconomic...

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A Turnkey Asset Management Platform – TAMP for short – can create opportunities for financial professionals to spend more time engaging clients.

But you may be asking yourself: What is a TAMP? Why should I use a TAMP? What benefits can a TAMP offer to an RIA? What does a TAMP cost?

Not all TAMPs...

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Our From the Desk of the COO series features stories, strategies and solutions from GeoWealth’s Chief Operating Officer, Jack HannahThis ongoing series will provide insights for those working in, or heading up, back and middle offices. Enjoy these views from our resident Operations Guru, Jack!

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