For the fifth year in a row, we’re proud to be listed among The Wealth Advisor’s America’s Best TAMPs in 2024. It’s a recognition that we don’t take for granted.

A lot has happened in the past five years.

Just five years ago, GeoWealth had $8 billion in platform assets. Today, we have more than $28...

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Stocks are often grouped into two distinct categories or styles, growth and value.

Knowing the differences between the two and how to incorporate them into a portfolio can help investors smooth out the ride toward their long-term financial goals.

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Investors often ask, “When I build a portfolio comprised of stocks and bonds, should I use short-term, intermediate-term, or long-term bonds?”

The answer is: “It depends.”

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Most people are surprised to find that they hold the key to their own investment success. But it’s true. An investor’s behavior is the most important factor in determining success.

Here’s why. You can be invested in the most perfect portfolio, but if you abandon the strategy before it has a chance...

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When investors make decisions on their own, many end up making costly mistakes. For many years, Dalbar1 has studied the differences between investor performance and the performance of the financial markets. Every year the news is grim when it comes to investor performance.

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Tracking error measures the variation in performance between a portfolio and its benchmark.

The main cause of tracking error is the difference in the holdings of the portfolio and the benchmark. Typically, the greater the difference in holdings, the greater the tracking error.

Tracking error is...

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A well-designed portfolio is built to achieve an investor’s long-term financial goals within limits on portfolio volatility that are determined by the investor’s tolerance for risk.

Building such a portfolio can be accomplished by thoughtfully combining “asset classes” with different performance...

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Direct indexing is a way to create a broadly diversified portfolio of individual stocks that are personalized to meet the needs, values, and preferences of an investor.

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There are two approaches to building a portfolio that individuals commonly take in preparing for retirement. One is the “income” approach and the other is the “total return” approach.

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Tax loss harvesting involves intentionally taking a loss by selling a security that has declined in value, in order to receive a tax benefit.

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Tax alpha measures the benefits of decisions made by a portfolio manager that are designed to improve theafter-tax return of a portfolio.

These decisions come in two forms: tax-loss harvesting and tax deferral.

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Buying low an selling high can be an elusive dream for most people.

The stock market goes up and the stock market goes down, as you can see below. Over time the trend is strongly upward, but there have been significant market declines along the way.

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It is not uncommon for investors to make predictions about the direction of interest rates and then make investment decisions based on those predictions. These predictions may be based on specific forecasting models or simply on gut feelings about the direction of interest rates.

The evidence...

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The US and international stock markets can be broken down into groups of stocks based on the size of the issuing company. Understanding those groups and how to incorporate them into a portfolio can help investors better reach their long-term financial goals.

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At a recent conference, our firm used a “guess-the-number-of-jellybeans-in-the-jar” contest to boost traffic at our booth. The results of the contest were thought provoking, and a valuable lesson about guessing the direction of the stock market.

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Almost everyone has heard that diversification is important in building portfolios. However, many people don’t understand what it is, why it’s important, or how to maximize its benefits. 

Diversification means spreading the assets in a portfolio among different investments. 

The goal is to smooth...

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Fees and expenses are two of the most important factors to consider when investing. You can’t control the direction of the financial markets, but you can control what you pay to invest.

Every mutual fund or exchange traded fund (ETF) in your portfolio has what’s called an “internal expense ratio.”...

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US stocks have outperformed international stocks for the better part of the last 10 years. During that time, US firms, generally, have grown faster and been more profitable than international firms. The US has less regulation and a better business environment than most international markets. Many...

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Factors are characteristics common to a group of securities that help explain their returns. These characteristics are distinct and quantifiable and give rise to similar patterns of performance among the securities within the group that distinguish them from other securities over time.

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Why invest internationally?

That’s a question many investors ask given the uncertainties of world events and the relative comfort and familiarity most US investors have with our domestic markets. Here are some good reasons a portfolio should include international investments.

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